Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pretty Rainbow

Matt and I have discussed names a bit, but we aren't settled on anything just yet.  It is a fun thing to think about while we are in the midst of preparing for the homestudy.

Lexi declared that she has the perfect name for the baby, "Pretty!"
"Yes, Pretty Rainbow."
Well, I suppose that is an idea, but I'm pretty sure my undercover hippie status would be blown out of the water.
She's really thought it through too, "If it is a girl, she will be Pretty Rainbow Girl.  If it is a boy, he can be Pretty Rainbow Boy."  Brilliant!

I told her that Pretty Rainbow might just have to be her nickname for the baby.  She's seriously in love with the idea of naming the baby Pretty Rainbow.

Now, she said all of this right before bed last night, so I thought she might just let it go.  Nope.  The first she said upon waking this morning was, "You remember what I want to name the baby right?"

"I do."
"Pretty Rainbow Girl or Boy!"

1 comment:

  1. haha...some of our friends in GA were trying for a second child...the first, a girl, wanted to name the future baby Unicorn of the Valley if it was a girl and Sam if it was a really do say the darndest things! :)
